MapleStory Assassin/Hermit Guide for all
By, SinMastah/Tubby353
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction
2.1 Legal Info
3.1 Starting Off
4.1 Rogue Skills
4.2 Assassin Skills
4.3 Hermit Skills
5.1 Regular Stat Build
5.2 Low DEX Stat Build
6.1 Rogue Skill Build
6.2 Assassin Skill Build
6.3 Hermit Skill Build
7.1 Funded vs. Unfunded
8.1 Training Spots for Rogue
8.2 Training Spots for Assassin
8.3 Training Spots for Hermits
9.1 Weapons to use
9.2 Stars
9.3 General Equips Regular Build
9.4 General Equips Low DEX Build
9.5 Useful Cash Shop Items
10.1 Small Bits of Advice
11.1 Contact Information
11.2 Closing and Thanks
11.3 Next Version
1.1 Introduction
So you want to become an Assassin. See an
Assassin is basically
an archer with two key differences. Archers are slower than
thieves in
general and Assassins can jump shoot enemies with ease
and have a longer range.
Assassins are not the most powerful class, but probably the
fastest class.
If being very fast and some one powerful appeals to you
become an
2.1 Legal Info
1. Do not produce this guide to the masses and
distribute it, you
can print off a copy for your friends if you want to.
2. Do not sell my publication.
3. This guide only belongs on GameFaqs.com,
Sleepywood.net, and MapleGuilds.com
4. If you want you, you can link this in a post such as
in the
forums, but do not post the guide itself in a forum
5. Note that SinMastah and Tubby353 are the same
person, SinMastah
was my favorite IGN, Tubby353 is my screen name for
most things

3.1 Starting off
So you have chosen to become an Assassin, but
do not think it will
be that easy. First when you are making your character, roll
the die
until you get 4 into STR and 4 into int. It may take a while
but it is
definitely worth it. Now as you start the game you will have
to overcome
monsters as a beginner doing very low damage. Just
because you do low
damage does not mean you will suck later on. As you start
out do every
quest you can on Maple Island because it gives you
valuable exp points
which are hard to come across in Maple Island. Do not
leave Maple Island
until you become level 10. As you level up put 5 into DEX
until it is
at 25. Put the rest into LUK until you leave Maple Island.
You will want
to stay in the first map with snails until about level 7 or 8,
then venture
off to do some of the quests and do all the quests you
encounter while
getting to level 7 or 8. After many kills and quests done get
off Maple
Island by talking to Shanks. Now the real journey begins.
4.1 Rogue Skills
Nimble body, this basically increases your
Accuracy and
Availability by a decent amount. This is very useful and we
will be maxing
Level 1: Accuracy +1, avoidability +1
Level 10: Accuracy +10, avoidability +10
Level 20: Accuracy +20, avoidability +20
Keen Eyes, This skills increases range for your
throwing. In the
beginning of using throwing stars you will have short range
and can not
jump attack, which is why we max this skill ASAP.
Level 1: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +25
Level 4: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +100
Level 8: Range of attack for throwing weapon: +200
Disorder, This skill is pointless for Assassins, we
still need
3 into this though to get dark sight. Basically this skill drops
stats of enemies by a very low amount, it is fun to mess
around with.
It might be more useful if you could throw stars using
disorder, but
it is only a melee attack unfortunately.
Level 1: MP -5; Enemy's weapon attack -1, weapon def. -1
for 7 seconds
Level 10: MP -7; Enemy's weapon attack -10, weapon def. -
10 for 31 seconds
Level 20: MP -10; Enemy's weapon attack -20, weapon def.
-20 for 60
Dark Sight, This skill allows thieves to disappear
and now you
can not be hit by physical attacks when this skill is being
Notice how I said physical attacks and not magical attacks.
Also this
skill will slow you down unless it is maxed. It also cancels
haste’s speed bonus unless it is maxed.
Level 1: MP -24; Disappear for 10 seconds, speed -57
Level 10: MP -15; Disappear for 100 seconds, speed -30
Level 20: MP -5; Disappear for 200 seconds, speed -0
Double Stab, This skill is for bandits, not for
assassins. It’s
where you attack an enemy twice with a melee weapon.
Level 1: MP -6; Damage 65% 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -9; Damage 95% 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -14; Damage 130% 2 Hits
Lucky 7, this is the main attacking skill for
assassins, so far
it’s the only single attacking skill that you will be using to
effectively train with. Later on we get new skills to use, but
might not be the most effective. However we will get into
this later.
Level 1: MP -8; Damage 58% x 2 Hits
Level 10: MP -11; Damage 100% x 2 Hits
Level 20: MP -16; Damage 150% x 2 Hits
4.2 Assassin skills, Congrats on being an Assassin,
now you have
more passives and party skills to use. Most are very useful.
Claw Mastery, More accuracy, more stars, more
minimum damage.
That’s all there is to this skill. Consider this mastery the best
of all masteries because it adds more stars.
Level 1: Claw mastery 15%, accuracy +1, maximum
number +10
Level 10: Claw mastery 35%, accuracy +10, maximum
number +100
Level 20: Claw mastery 60%, accuracy +20, maximum
number +200
Critical Throw, This is possibly the best second job
skill for
Assassins because it has a chance to multiply the damage
by two and
it’s passive. With a 50% chance you can expect at least one
per Lucky 7. Very useful.
Level 1: 21% success rate, critical damage 113%
Level 10: 30% success rate, critical damage 140%
Level 20: 40% success rate, critical damage 170%
Level 30: 50% success rate, critical damage 200%
Endure, Not very useful skill, it adds how much HP
and MP you
regenerate. We need 3 into this for drain though.
Level 1: Additional recovery of HP +3, MP +1 every 29
Level 10: Additional recovery of HP +30, MP +10 every 20
Level 20: Additional recovery of HP +60, MP +20 every 10
Claw Booster, Faster attack basically. We have the
choice of
either maxing this or maxing drain. This is a must. Honestly
if you
want get 1 into this and compare the different speeds if you
do not
believe me. You will definitely get booster.
Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Improves claw speed for 10
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Improves claw speed for 100
Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; Improves claw speed for 200
Haste, This skill makes you jump higher and run
faster. This skill
is a big difference between Archers and Assassins. The
bonus is huge.
Also useful if some one wanted to KS you out of the map.
Did I mention
party members can benefit from this skill too.
Level 1: MP -15; Speed +2, jump +1 for 10 seconds
Level 10: MP -15; Speed +20, jump +10 for 100 seconds
Level 20: MP -30; Speed +40, jump +20 for 200 seconds
Drain, this is kind of like heal, but instead of just
you’re leaching. Not effective for killing, but throw one of
when your HP is low. The limitations are kind of confusing
but they
are understandable.
Level 1: MP -12; Damage 102%, absorbing 16% of the
Level 10: MP -12; Damage 120%, absorbing 25% of the
Level 20: MP -24; Damage 140%, absorbing 35% of the
Level 30: MP -24; Damage 160%, absorbing 45% of the
4.3 Hermit Skills, Wow now you really deserve
congrats. 60 levels
of lucky 7 and you made it. Now it pays off big time.
Alchemist, you heal more and potions that increase
your stats have
a longer time period. Simple.
Level 1: Recovery rate 103%, duration of effect 103%
Level 10: Recovery rate 130%, duration of effect 130%
Level 20: Recovery rate 150%, duration of effect 150%
Mesos Up, Alright so we have a skill that increases
the money we
get. It will help a little bit but not enough to be the first thing
to max.
Level 1: MP -45; Drop rate +3% for 25 seconds
Level 10: MP -50; Drop rate +30% for 70 seconds
Level 20: MP -60; Drop rate +50% for 120 seconds
CopyCat, now we are talking. This skill is like
having two
Assassins. They copy cat attacks with you so you throw 4
stars instead
of 2. At a cost of a summoning stone to summon it which
costs 5k this
skill is not cheap, but it is worth it. Probably the best Hermit
Level 1: MP -200; Normal attack 20%, summoned with
basic attack 21% for
60 seconds
Level 10: MP -155; Normal attack 49%, summoned with
basic attack 24%
for 60 seconds
Level 20: MP -105; Normal attack 70%, summoned with
basic attack 34%
for 120 seconds
Level 30: MP -55; Normal attack 80%, summoned with
basic attack 50% for
180 seconds
Shadow Web, This skill basically traps monsters for a
period of time
for you to attack, again simple.
Level 1: MP -10; Holds the enemies with 42% success rate
for 5 seconds
Level 10: MP -14; Holds the enemies with 60% success
rate for 6 seconds
Level 20: MP -22; Holds the enemies with 80% success
rate for 8 seconds
Shadow Mesos, This skill uses mesos instead of
MP. Useful in a
way. It also ignores enemies defense up skills.
Level 1: Uses min. 50 mesos, max. 220 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with 1%
success rate
Level 10: Uses min. 140 mesos, max. 400 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with
4% success rate
Level 20: Uses min. 240 mesos, max. 600 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with
7% success rate
Level 30: Uses min. 340 mesos, max. 800 mesos; Basic
attack +50% with
10% success rate
Avenger, finally we have a multi enemy attack. This
will pass
through enemies so you can hit up to 6 depending on the
skill level.
Also is you use copy cat, it will throw the avenger again.
Level 1: MP -16; Basic attack 65%, uses 3 throwing stars to
attack up
to 4 enemies
Level 10: MP -16; Basic attack 110%, uses 3 throwing stars
to attack
up to 4 enemies
Level 20: MP -23; Basic attack 150%, uses 3 throwing stars
to attack
up to 5 enemies
Level 30: MP -30; Basic attack 180%, uses 3 throwing stars
to attack
up to 6 enemies
Flash Jump, Have you heard some one say
something relating to FJ
and how amazing it is. Well this is it. It’s like the teleport for
Assassins, but we move farther and it looks a lot cooler too.
A big
MP loss per jump though.
Level 1: MP -60; Jumps a certain distance
Level 10: MP -33; Jumps a certain distance
Level 20: MP -13; Jumps a certain distance
5.1, Regular stat build.
This is an easy and probably the most common
build you can find.
Most unfunded Assassins decide to go this way since they
do not have
to scroll their items for more DEX to use their weapon.
have very low weapon attack based on the claw. You see
level 70 claws
with around 50 attack and yet you see other weapon with
100+ attack
at this level. This is why we need to use every weapon we
Fortunately with this stat build you will be able to do this.
Basically while you start out make sure you have 4 into
STR and 4
into INT. Then continue on with this build.
Level 10- 25 DEX
Level 15- 30 DEX
Level 20- 40 DEX
Level 25- 50 DEX
Level 30- 60 DEX
Level 35- 70 DEX
Level 40- 80 DEX
Level 50- 90 DEX
Level 60- 100 DEX
Just add 1 DEX per level after level 60 and you will
be able to
use every equipment afterwards.
5.2, Low-DEX stat build.
Now like mentioned early we need to use every
weapon at the higher
levels. To do this we need more DEX to be able to do this.
So you
will scroll a Sauna robe to get as much DEX as possible. It
is a good
idea to get around 20+ DEX. The reason people go Low-
DEX is to get
more LUK which is the main damage booster for Assassins.
There is
one drawback, and to avoid it you need a lot of DEX added
or you can
not use the new weapon at your level so you just end up
being even
with every one else. However you can scroll many things
for DEX, this
includes overalls, capes, and gloves, however it is not
to scroll gloves for DEX, rather than attack. Most people
cap their
DEX around 80 because you can easily get 35+ DEX from
equips. If you
plan on leveling to the 100+ it might be easier to cap DEX
at 100
just so you can use casters and any higher level claws that
may come
out in the future. Some people cap their DEX around 70
because they
have great Sauna robes. If at your level you are fine for
DEX, such
as you are level 60 and have capped your DEX at 70 and
have a 30 DEX
Sauna robe have more LUK equips as it will add more
damage then DEX.
The reason people go low-DEX remember is to be able to
equip the
highest level claw at your level and still have a lot of LUK.
Note, Thanks to Mitsune_Rakaen I have more info in this
6.1 Rogue Skill Build
This is probably the most common skill build for
considering there are not a lot of skills to choose from and
are for Bandits only and some are for Assassins only. After
the job
advancements the skill choosing becomes harder, but not
as hard as
the leveling itself, so be prepared for massive grinding.
Level 10- 1 nimble body
Level 11- 2 nimble body, 1 keen eyes
Level 12- 3 keen eyes
Level 13- 3 keen eyes
Level 14- 1 keen eyes (maxed) 2 lucky 7
Level 15- 3 lucky 7
Level 16- 3 lucky 7
Level 17- 3 lucky 7
Level 18- 3 lucky 7
Level 19- 3 lucky 7
Level 20- 3 lucky 7 (maxed)
Level 21- 3 nimble body
Level 22- 3 nimble body
Level 23- 3 nimble body
Level 24- 3 nimble body
Level 25- 3 nimble body
Level 26- 2 nimble body (maxed) 1 disorder
Level 27- 2 disorder 1 dark sight
Level 28- 3 dark sight
Level 29- 3 dark sight
Level 30- 3 dark sight
6.2 Assassin Skill Build
Now it gets good, we are finally an Assassin with a
lot of skills
at your disposal. These are all good except for possibly
endure which
is ok. In this we max basically everything in order so your
and training speed will be at its fullest in my opinion. This is
you do not mind spending a little more on Hp pots then
having more
stars, and recasting booster every so often.
Level 30- 1 mastery
Level 31- 2 mastery 1 critical throw
Level 32- 3 critical throw
Level 33- 3 critical throw
Level 34- 3 critical throw
Level 35- 3 critical throw
Level 36- 3 critical throw
Level 37- 3 critical throw
Level 38- 3 critical throw
Level 39- 3 critical throw
Level 40- 3 critical throw
Level 41- 2 critical throw 1 mastery
Level 42- 1 mastery 2 booster
Level 43- 3 booster
Level 44- 1 booster 2 haste
Level 45- 3 haste
Level 46- 3 haste
Level 47- 3 haste
Level 48- 3 haste
Level 49- 3 haste
Level 50- 3 haste
Level 51- 3 mastery
Level 52- 3 mastery
Level 53- 3 mastery
Level 54- 3 mastery
Level 55- 3 mastery
Level 56- 3 endure
Level 57- 3 drain
Level 58- 3 drain
Level 59- 3 drain
Level 60- 3 drain
Level 61- 3 drain
Level 62- 3 drain
Level 63- 3 drain
Level 64- 3 drain
Level 65- 3 drain
Level 66- 3 drain*
Level 67- 3 booster
Level 68- 3 booster
Level 69- 3 booster
Level 70- 3 booster
6.3 Hermit Skill Build
Wow and congrats, after all that time you spent it’s
about to pay
off. This is where Assassins really start to get good. We
our attack at level 80 and we finally get a multi enemy
We even save money on potions and we have a skill that
increases the
mesos you pick up. We also get a new skill to make us
even go faster.
You can max shadow mesos or shadow web, I find shadow
web to be kind
of pointless, but if you want it you will have 10 more points,
I would
recommend finishing drain or booster, or just put some
points into
shadow mesos, or you can put points into endure which I
find to be
less important but it is your character not mine. Also if you
content with single attacks you can max avenger later on,
or at least
get 5 points into it the get flash jump then continue with
then continue on with the build. You can also get mesos up
Level 70- 1 copycat
Level 71- 3 Avenger
Level 72- 2 Avenger 1 copycat
Level 73- 3 copycat
Level 74- 3 copycat
Level 75- 3 copycat
Level 76- 3 copycat
Level 77- 3 copycat
Level 78- 3 copycat
Level 79- 3 copycat
Level 80- 3 copycat
Level 81- 3 copy cat
Level 82- 1 copy cat 2 avenger
Level 83- 3 avenger
Level 84- 3 avenger
Level 85- 3 avenger
Level 86- 3 avenger
Level 87- 3 avenger
Level 88- 3 avenger
Level 89- 3 avenger
Level 90- 2 avenger 1 flash jump
Level 91- 3 flash jump
Level 92- 3 flash jump
Level 93- 3 flash jump
Level 94- 3 flash jump
Level 95- 3 flash jump
Level 96- 3 flash jump
Level 97- 1 flash jump 2 alchemist
Level 98- 3 alchemist
Level 99- 3 alchemist
Level 100- 3 alchemist
Level 101- 3 alchemist
Level 102- 3 alchemist
Level 103- 3 alchemist
Level 104- 3 mesos up
Level 105- 3 mesos up
Level 106- 3 mesos up
Level 107- 3 mesos up
Level 108- 3 mesos up
Level 109- 3 mesos up
Level 110- 2 mesos up 1 shadow mesos
Level 111- 3 shadow mesos
Level 112- 3 shadow mesos
Level 113- 3 shadow mesos
Level 114- 3 shadow mesos
Level 115- 3 shadow mesos
Level 116- 3 shadow mesos
Level 117- 3 shadow mesos
Level 118- 3 shadow mesos
Level 119- 3 shadow mesos
Level 120- 2 shadow mesos 1 into Booster, Drain, or
shadow web
7.1 Funded vs. Unfunded
You may think that funded Assassins are better off
then unfunded
Assassins. Well, you’re dead right they are better. Usually if
funded you have a higher level character that you quit and
used the
mesos from that character and moved it to your new
Assassin. This
helps because you have a lot of potions to use with out a
big dent
in your money supply. You can also buy nicer stars which
tremendously. More important you can buy a really nice
attack work
glove. Considering you can use it at level 10 it immediately
you. Let’s say you have 20 mill to spend on your new
Assassin. You
may buy a nice 8 attack glove and some sets of tobis.
Already you
have an 8 attack bonus from your glove, and tobis are 6
attack higher
than subis so already you have 14 more attack. The funded
bonus does
not stop there. It is easier to make a low DEX Assassin
because you
can scroll for more DEX. Most unfunded characters can not
do that.
Later on you will get a cape at level 25 and 42 from quests.
I recommend
if you’re funded to scroll your level 25 cape with 100% cape
scrolls so you have some more attack. You can either skip
scroll the
level 42 cape, or once again you can 100% cape LUK it. At
level 50
you have three options, you can stay with your cape (I
changing it if it’s a level 25 one.) You can scroll your new
50 cape for LUK with 100%s or 60%. Or if your low-DEX
you should scroll
your new cape with DEX. Most unfunded Assassins have
scrolling their capes because of the new claws they need,
and they
need better stats etc. Remember it is better to be funded,
but also
remember it is easier to be unfunded then to be in debt, so
beg your friends for money unless they give it to you and do
not expect
it back.
8.1 Training Spots for Rogue
When you make your character you are going to
end up on Maple Island.
This is a great training spots for new people. Start by killing
1 exp sentinels for 1 or 2 levels. Then move onto green and
blue snails.
Do not kill red snails because that takes way too long. Stay
at Maple
Island until level 10 unless you have a friend that is willing
level you. At level 10 make your way over to kerning city,
then go
in the jazz bar and your life will change forever. Here are
your basic
training spots from here until Assassin.
Level 10-15. Stay on the bottom floor of Henesys hunting
located on map left of Henesys.
Level 15-20. Move up a level in the hunting grounds or
move to the
slime tree in Ellinia, named the dungeon, southern forest 1.
when in the slime tree you should probably equip a dagger
since it
is very close range. I did this, but my friend was fine using a
Level 20-24. Go to the pig beach and find a nice quiet area
the top right corner platform is a good spot with a nice
spawn, but
if you one hit kill pigs you should try roaming on the bottom
area more.
Level 24-30. Go to the dungeon, southern forest 4 and kill
those guys,
again its kind of close range but I do not recommend using
a dagger
this far in. In the later 20’s you can try party questing at
city or go to the ant tunnel 1 and 2.
Note, for map reference look at Hidden-Street.net
8.2 Training Spots for Assassin.
Again congrats on being an Assassin, but that was
nothing really.
In the beginning the leveling will not be very bad, but later
on it
gets pretty bad so you might want to switch the areas you
train at.
I will suggest these places also. Note that the other places
not be the best for exp, but rather for mild training, but they
drop good stuff for you.
Level 30-35. Kill wild boars at land of the wild boar 1 or 2.
out for jr. boogies.
Level 25-35. Crows in the maple shrine. If you have a good
enough character you should be able to one hit kill at level
Level 35-40. Go to the burnt land 1, 2, or 3 and kill fire
Level 40-45. Dangerous valley 1 or kill jr. cellions in Orbis at
garden of red 1,
Level 45-50. Ludibrium party quest for platoon chronos,
Also in the
late 40’s you could try to take on robos and tobos but I don’t
Level 50-60. Zombies. If you get bored of zombies who will
probably happen go red drakes in search of steelys in the
later 50’s.
Also for a little worse exp but better drops would be yetis.
You can
go dark stone golems if you need tobis and mild exp in the
later 50s.
Level 60-70. If your really hard core stay at zombies. If
you’re bored
continue with yetis or red drakes for drops. In the later 60’s
may be able to go to the mixed golems in the sleepy
8.3 Training spots for Hermit
Again congrats on being hard core and leveling
through the dead
zombies. Amazing exp aren’t they. But enough of that, once
you max
copy cat you almost doubled your power so you need to
unleash it.
With a lot of high leveled Ludibrium monsters out they are
places to train, but I am not very familiar with them, so later
will upgrade my guide to have those places more
Level 70-75. Zombies still. You can try going cerebes early
if you
have nice equips, but zombies should still be good exp, if
not try
Level 75-80ish. Try going cerebes, unless you have a lot of
don’t use copycat until 75+ because you will just be wasting
stones. Some other places may be death teddies or
buffoons for drops,
but cerebes already have probably one of the best drops
you can get
at your level so I would stay there.
Level 80ish- 85 or 90. Go to bains, with your new copy cat
and avenger
you should be dominating bains at this level. It might be
harder in
the later 70’s so you may want to try some more cerebes.
Again bains
have great drops, but you might want to try Vikings and find
ilbis but be careful, they do high damage but their attacks
can be
Level 90- 100. Spirit Vikings all the way. They drop some
nice stuff
like ilbis, and you can use those for sure. Maybe later move
on to
gigantic spirit Vikings. If you find a level 90ish cleric go to
phantom watches and stick with the cleric. Also try death
or some pirates if you want, get a cleric for death teddies or
death teddies
Level 100-110. You may want to try thanatos and possibly
The gatekeeper spawn might not be the best though. If you
get bored
you should try going back to Vikings or maybe pirates
because you
dominate them now and should keep a good spawn going.
Level 110-120. Just stay at the higher leveled monsters
such as
gatekeepers or thanatos. Possibly Vikings and grim
phantom watches.
If you have very low stars I would suggest going Vikings or
macis/spears. If you do go to macis/spears go to cursed
4 and just lay waste to anything there. Do not bring a friend
Why? You don’t need one. Basically at this level it is very
hard to
level with the monsters out. I might even suggest
basically any high leveled thing.
Note: You can easily take on zombies from level 50-90 if
you want
to. It would be amazing exp around 70s-80s because you
can one hit
kill them with CopyCat, around the upper 80’s and 90’s you
probably not be getting the most exp you can. Also if you
train there
for that long you may be missing out on drops.
9.1 Weapons to Use
From starting out it is very simple to know what
weapons to use.
It is universal to follow the order I am about to give you
or non funded.
Level 10-14. Garnier
Level 15-19. Steel Titans
Level 20-24. Bronze igor (Skip if not funded)
Level 25-39. Meba with 7 100% scrolls
Level 40-49. Dark avarice with 7 100% scrolls
Level 50-59. Dark or sapphire slain using 7 60% scrolls
Level 60-69. Dark gigantic using 7 60% scrolls
Level 70-89. Dark or green scarab using 7 60% scrolls, this
can last you easily through a mamba
Level 90-99. Casters using 7 60% scrolls
Note that when using 60% scrolls a good scrolled claw is +5
or higher,
anything lower should be rescrolled.
Note I will update this list once more claws are available to
Note that trying out 30% scrolls are definetely worth it, but
don't test
your luck
9.2 Stars
Stars are the things you throw when attacking with
an Assassin,
it is very useful to upgrade stars as they add more attack.
Here is
a guide about when you should upgrade for unfunded
Assassins. However
if you do not have the money do not upgrade stars, and
make sure you
get a better claw and attack glove before getting better
Level 10-20. Subi
Level 20-30 mokbis or wooden tops
Level 30-40 Kumbis or icicles
Level 50-60 Tobis
Level 60 and higher. Steelys and ilbis
And if you become insanely rich go for hwabis
Note for funded Assassins you should buy an attack work
glove then
buy nice stars first. Try getting tobis in the beginning then
to either ilbis or steelys.
Note I will upgrade this when new stars are added to OMS
9.3 General Equips Regular Build
Here you will find what you should have equipped
at what level.
It is preferable to have higher LUK on these equips.
Defense is not
a must but it is nice.
Level 10-14. Dream Set, Dark alley Beanie, Gidder, Attack
Level 15-24. Night Set, Theif hood, Gidder, (attack) Work
Glove or
Level 25-29 Sneak/Sneakless Set, Tiberian, Gidder, Attack
work glove
or mischief
Level 30-34 Stealer/Steal Set, Guide, Chain Shoes, Attack
work glove
or sylvia
Level 35-39 Knuckle Vest/Fruit Set, Burglar, Line Boots,
Attack glove
or arbion
Level 40-49 Shadow Set, Pilfer, Black Lined shoes, Attack
work glove
or arbion
Level 50-59 China/Moon Set, Sonata, Goni Shoes, Attack
work glove
Level 60-69 Scorpio/Mantis Set, Dark Identity, Moss shoes,
Attack work
Level 70-79 Stud/Mystique Set, NightFox, Mystique shoes,
Attack work
Level 80-89 Pirate Set, Pireta, Pirate shoes, Attack work
Level 90-100 Osfa Set, Osfa, Osfa Boots, Attack work glove
Note, The order for equipment is set/hat/shoes/glove
Note, I will update this list once more equips come out to
Note, Try to get an attack work glove right away
Note, Starting on level 30 get new earrings every 10 levels.
9.4 General equips Low-DEX build
In this build I will not make a list for equipment, but
have suggestions for you to have for equipment. First off
have a sauna
robe with 20 DEX on it, 30 DEX is ideal and any higher is
unrealistic, but anything is possible. After the robe is taken
of you will need to scroll a cape. I suggest at level 50
because this
is when you actually start to cap your DEX. I would suggest
an 8 DEX cape or 10 DEX. What you might want to try to do
is to keep
scrolling the first slot in a napoleon with 10% or 30% DEX
cape scroll until
one works, then continue scrolling with 60%s. Always have
DEX boots
and DEX hats equipped and use an attack work glove
always. Remember
more attack will always beat low-DEX, but both is dominate.
It is
rumored that earring scroll for DEX may come out so do
that when you
can. If you get to level 70 use a green scarab for an
addition DEX
bonus. If done ideally you may have a 50 DEX bonus from
every equip
that I mentioned except for the earrings. Just remember to
perfect DEX equips every time.
9.5 Useful Cash Shop Items
There are many Cash Shop items, but not all of
these are very good.
Some of these do however help you. For starters buy a
cheap shop permit
so you can sell your drops and make some money for more
stars and
useful things. Also I found that if you have a pet with mesos
and item pouch it will decrease your leveling time by a good
or 2 and the upper levels. This is even more useful for
people with
bad connections that do not pick up that fast.Then look at
the 2x exp
cards and buy one for the time you usually play as this will
help you alot, and it is only 15 dollars a month. Last but not
be sure to pick up 5 safety charms so you do not lose your
hard earned
exp. It’s a good idea to get the safety charms around level
60 because
before then it is a waste of money. This only costs about 30
and can literally save you hours from picking up items, or
in the free market, or just making up for sloppy use of your
10.1 Small Bits of Advice
This is what every new player needs, just little
advice for you.
If you feel unmotivated but want to be all powerful just go to
youtube.com and search for movies relating to high level
in no time you will be back playing and hoping to get there.
upgrading your equips make sure you upgrade them in this
order, start
out by upgrading your claw, then get an attack work glove,
then lastly
upgrade your throwing stars. Try not to KS people, this can
lead them
to be angry and defame you, or even KS you back. Learn
how to jump
attack once you have maxed your range, this will be very
useful to
you in the future. Do not wait too long for pqs because they
are very
hard to get into. If you are funded I would recommend
getting an attack
work glove before great stars, also maybe buy a +6 or +7
slain. That
is all the advice I have at the moment, I will be updating my
and will probably update this section too.
11.1 Contact Information
You can contact me at sportsguy0356 on instant
messaging (I have
AIM) to give me ideas of what to put in, or just typos too fix, or
whatever. Please do not contact me here if you just have a
question but PM cKAMRON of Bellocan on the game. If you
are not on Bellocan
just make a new character and ask him.
11.2 Closing and Thanks.
Well that’s the end of my guide and I hope you
guys enjoyed it
and learned a lot from it. That’s the reason I wrote it, it was
all you maple players that want to score big on becoming
an Assassin
and good luck. Before I end this guide I need to thank many
I owe big thanks to Hidden-Street.net for letting me use
their skill
page. They also helped me when I was just starting and
they still
help me today, so if you have not looked there please take
a peak
or donate a dollar or two.
Big thanks to LunaStrike of Bera, he was a great motivation
when I
was an Assassin. If you see him please change channels if
he wants
you to and give him a friendly fame for being so cool
Thanks to my friend Bobby, he got me into this game and
also helped
me get motivated. If you see cKAMRON on Bellocan please
give him a nice
friendly fame.
11.3 Next Version
Current Version: 1.05, Fixed hermits build a little,
added a
little more info to the stars section
Next Version: Possibly adding Bandits, I might add
descriptions, add to training areas.
(C)2006 SinMastah/Tubby356. Please look at section 2 for
information. Work finished 25th of March '06, last changed
20th of June 07'
source from GAMEFAQS
Ok... one thing...lvls 20-30 the FASTESTS way tp lvl up ill say... 2-4 hours to go from 20 to 30 (ignore amy quests u get till lvl 30 ) just goto the hunated mansion by taking the train on the far left, going to NLC just kill skeles, from training 1 sin, 2 bandits, 1 dual blade, and 1 nightwalker SKELETONS AT NLC'S HAUNTED MANISION IS THE BEST WAY TO TRAIN!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey dickface this is a forum about the thief edition on the iphone/ipad as an app in the app store. Why the fuck you wrote about maplestory. I dont wanna hear about that damn game since after pvp came out and in sept got a blue screen. I would go back if someone coukd fix a blue screen for me.
ReplyDeleteWtf?? This was supposed to be a the if edition guide for iPhone... Instead I get this shit