Pocket Summoner : Champion Challenge

  The best tips to fight in Champion Challenge is to out level your opponent.
If you have 3 level ahead with your Opponent you won't get any problem plus
you have strong points against its body type then everything will be easier.


1. Miki -lvl2 (easy)
  =  use MAGIC guard  (waaga/masko) or  any of your GUARD that has good SPD and ATK  such like (dogi,miki & bulbhead)

2. TRIFISH -lvl6 (easy)
  = use any of your GUARD that has good MAG-DEF  and ATK such like MAGI-MAN, Bulblhead ,...

3. WAAGE -lvl6 (easy)
  = use any of your GUARD that has MAG-ATK such like  Magiman,Bulbhead & Trifish

4. DOGI - lvl9 (easy)
  = use MAGIC guards (waaga/masko) or any of your GUARD that has good SPD and DEF such like dogi, magiman, bulbhead..

5. BULBHEAD - lvl10 (easy)
 = use any of your GUARDS that has good MAG-DEF and ATK/MAG-ATK such like trifish, dogi or miki

rewards :  150$ , blue crystal, waaga,bulbhead, trifish, magiman



1 . DANWORM -lvl12 (easy)
   = use any of your GUARD that has good MAG-DEF  such as MAGI-MAN, Bulblhead ,...

2. TRIFISH -lvl18 (easy)
   = use any of your GUARD that has good MAG-DEF  such as MAGI-MAN, Bulblhead ,...

3. FIREBO -lvl20 (moderate)
   = use any of your GUARD that has good MAG-DEF and Speed  such like MAGI-MAN, Bulblhead except Guards that has Fire attack

4. MAGIMAN -lvl25 (easy)
   = use any of your LIGHT guard that has good MAG-ATK such like BulblHead,Eostre...

5. MAGIMAN -lvl30 (easy)
   = use any of your LIGHT guard that has good MAG-ATK such like  BulblHead,Eostre...

rewards : $500, spirit dust, green magiman, red magiman, bulbhead....



1. PAS -lvl25 (easy)
  = use DARK (mage/bulbhead) that has strong attacks or any of your Guard that has good MAG-DEF and MAG-ATK

2. DOGIA -lvl28 (easy)
  = use MAGICAL (masko/waaga) to have more ATK-DEF this is it will be easier otherwise use your best level guard

3. FOORSE - lvl30 (moderate)
  = use NORMAL (mickia/steelha/dogia) that has good MAG-DEF and SPEED.

4. MICKIA - lvl32 (easy)
 = use MAGICAL (masko/waaga) that has good SPEED  and MAG-ATK

5. STEELHA - lvl34 (moderate)
= use DARK (roroca/magiman) that has good ATK-DEF and SPEED

rewards : $900 ,red/green gems, PA, PAS, Steelha, Dogia, Bulbhead

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