Monster Galaxy: The Zodiac Islands

Description :

Monster Galaxy is a fantastic world where you can capture and train magical creatures called Mogas. Few people have this talent, but guess what--you're one of them! The bad news is that your homeland is ruled by King Otho, a royal jerk who only lets his personal army tame Mogas. You'll have to cross the Zodiac Islands to get to Otho's castle, but if you can knock this clown off the throne you'll be a hero for the ages. Are you ready for an epic adventure?

Tips and Tricks :

# Fighting with Monster 

  1. There are certain weakness for every monster depends of their Zodiac signs.
      Check their zodiac signs if its red it means it's weak and if its white it means it's strong
  2. Always use the full gauge to have more effective attack, the lower the the gauge the lower the attack. If you hit the meter mark you will have a perfect attack. Perfect attack is like CRITICAL attack.

  3. If your monster is in the quarter of his life, sub it right away and don't risk to battle

  4. To have good 3-star rating always get a PERFECT attack and  use the 'Zodiac Power' to finish off your opponent 

  5. Always use the Zodiac Power of your Monster, you can sub a Monster while waiting for the Zodiac Power to restore

  5.  Its better to always 3 monster to level up 

  6. Put on REST on your monster after battle and use another one for levelling

 #  Capturing a Monster

  1. Watch out the monster life gauge if its 3-1 life points or quarter of its life then theres a big chance to capture it. To get a  big chance try to get 1 life point remaining on your target Monster

  2. Gauge well with the remaining life of your monster to capture. Use small amount in the gauge attack to attack less points
  3. Check the tamer capture item and you will see percentage chance of capturing your target monster. If the chances is behind 50% it has a little chance or none at all

   # Levelling Up

  1. For faster levelling use 3 Monsters for battle

  2. You can return to the previous quest to fight good monsters

  3. Use your energy wisely to level up your monster

  4. When you run out of energy you can use the coffee energy to restore your tamer energy

# Faster Way To Restore Your Monsters Life and Tamer Energy

  Go to your IPhone settings and find the date-and-time. From your date and time adjust the date to 1day and then confirm the changes. And now you're back into the action.

# Unlimited Daily Rewards

  Go to your IPhone settings and find the date-and-time. From your date and time adjust the date to 1 day and then confirm the changes. Get all your daily bonus in a minute.

 - more to  come -

Walkthrough :

Monster Galaxy - Official Trailer

Monster Galaxy-TEAM FIGHT Tamer Horacio V.S. Tamer Oracle

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