Level 1-20
Go to 'Spirit Sands' and do the 'Search for Treasure', finish the mission until you encounter the BIGWORM. To defeat him use fire (Magiman) or posion (TriFish) body type Guard. If you're lucky enough you'll be getting an Easter Egg. Repeat the quest to gain the event treasure and also with gems.
Level 20-25
Go to the Darkshire quest and select the 'Break In' after you accomplished you'll be encountering with 'Red Magiman'. To defeat him fight him with BULBHEAD or any LIGHT body type. If you're lucky enough it will drop an easter egg. Go back to 'Break In' and repeat the quest.
Level 25-ABOVE
Go to the Sky Tower quest and select the 'Entering the Sky Tower' after you accomplished you'll be encountering with 'Mickia', this is a bit easy to take down just use any of your GHOST type. Once your done you'll be getting GREEN CRYSTAL or if you're lucky enough you can have the EASTER EGG. Now you can proceed to the SKY TOWER 1/F,, in the middle you'll be encountering him again and LIGHT like BULBHEAD. It will takes some luck to beat him but keep on trying, now if you're lucky you can have 5 EASTER EGG or RED GEMS.
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